
1. What are the volunteer requirements?

Each family is required to have 4 volunteer hours completed during the season per student athlete registered. The $60 volunteer fee is refunded once the required hours are fulfilled. Families can earn back their volunteer fee by working a Field Day, which includes tasks such as working the gate or concessions during games. Other volunteer opportunities, such as working chains or announcing, do not count toward the refund but are still greatly appreciated. We will post Field Day opportunities on our website once the schedule is finalized.

2. How is admission handled for games?

Admission fees for games are set by the league and remain the same across all locations. Each site determines its accepted forms of payment, and we will update our league information page with details as they become available.

3. How far can I expect to travel for games?

Most of our games are within a 35-minute drive, with about half of them being held at Lakota East or Lakota West. Playoff and championship games may require slightly further travel.

4. What league do you play in, and where can I find the rules?

We are part of the Western Ohio Junior Football Conference (WOJFC). League rules can be found here.

5. How do you roster siblings?

We prioritize keeping families together. Siblings will always be placed in the same ‘pod’ or schedule track (Black, Red, White, or Gray) to ensure they travel to the same locations each weekend. Families with both a football player and a cheerleader will also be placed in the same pod to make travel and organization easier. The only exception to this is if a specific pod does not exist at a given grade level, in which case we will do our best to accommodate families as closely as possible.

How can I contact the organization?

For general inquiries, please email us at info@lakotatomahawks.org.


What safety protocols are in place?

Player safety is our top priority. Our helmets are reconditioned and inspected every two years to meet safety standards. All coaches are trained in concussion protocols, heat safety, and emergency procedures. Additionally, an AED (Automated External Defibrillator) is available on-site for all home games.

What equipment is provided, and can I use my own?

The organization provides a helmet, shoulder pads, and game pants. If a player prefers to use their own equipment, it must be inspected and approved by our Equipment Manager to ensure compliance with safety standards.

How much does registration cost?

  • Football Registration Fee: $200
  • Volunteer Fee: $60 (refundable upon completing volunteer hours)
  • Additional Costs: Players are responsible for cleats, mouthguards, practice jerseys, and other personal gear.

How are teams formed?

Team formation follows a structured process:

  1. Coaches may recruit players first.
  2. Family requests to play with a friend are considered next.
  3. Remaining players are placed through a draft.

Teams generally remain together from year to year unless a parent requests a change.

What are the playtime rules?

We believe in providing all players with opportunities to participate. While playtime may vary based on skill level, position, and game situations, our coaches ensure that every player receives meaningful practice reps and game participation. Per league rules, all players must play at least five (5) plays per half.

When does the season start and end?

The season officially begins with practices in early July, though some coaches may offer voluntary offseason conditioning before then. Games typically start in late August and continue through early November, depending on playoff schedules.

How often are practices and games?

Practices are held 2-4 times per week, depending on the age group and team. Games are scheduled for Saturdays or Sundays throughout the season.


When does the season start, and how long does it run?

The season begins with practices in mid-July, with games starting in early August.

Games are held on weekends (Saturdays and Sundays) and are scheduled on an annual basis, with schedules typically finalized by mid-July. Cheerleaders generally cheer for 8-9 regular-season games, plus any post-season games, as well as fun events and cheer activities throughout the season.

Regular-season games typically run through October, with post-season play beginning after the regular season ends. Teams may choose to participate in post-season tournaments, and cheerleaders can opt in based on the preferences of the coaches and team.

How are squads formed?

Squads are typically created at random unless specific requests are made to cheer for a particular coach or friend. These requests are considered on a case-by-case basis and granted when possible. Generally, squads remain the same year over year to help strengthen relationships between cheerleaders and coaches.

Can siblings cheer together?

Yes! We prioritize keeping families together. Cheerleaders may request to cheer up or down one grade level to be with a sibling. Additionally, families with both a football player and a cheerleader will be placed on the same schedule track (Black, Red, White, or Gray) to make travel and organization easier.

When and where do cheer practices take place?

Practice locations, dates, and times are determined by coaches close to the start of the season. The Tomahawks practice at Lakota schools or other local locations.

Typically, cheer squads practice in weekly time increments that are age-appropriate. Coaches are provided with the following recommendations, but final practice schedules are at their discretion:

  • Grades K-2: Two 1-hour practices per week during the summer, then one 1-hour practice per week after school starts.
  • Grades 3-4: Two 1-hour practices per week during the summer, then one 1.5-hour practice per week after school starts.
  • Grades 5-6: Two 1.5-hour practices per week during the summer, then one 2-hour practice per week after school starts.

What extra activities are available for cheerleaders?

Tomahawk Youth Night:

Each year, the Tomahawks partner with Lakota East and Lakota West High Schools to host "Tomahawk Night." During this event, each cheer squad and football team has the opportunity to walk on the field. At Lakota East’s Tomahawk Night only, cheerleaders will also cheer during the first quarter. More details regarding dates and logistics will be provided as the season approaches. Participation is not mandatory but is a fun experience. A squad representative (coach, assistant coach, or team mom) will coordinate participation.

Jack Jeffery Classic:

Each year, the organization hosts a cheer showcase to highlight the squads. Cheerleaders will perform their halftime routine or a cheer they have learned. This event is typically held the first weekend of the season, and squads begin preparing for it early in practice. More details will be shared closer to the event.

What uniforms and equipment are required?

Cheerleaders are expected to wear their Tomahawks cheer uniform or other provided attire as directed by their coach for each game or event.

Included with registration:

✔ Cheer bow

✔ Practice t-shirt

Available for purchase at fittings:

  • Uniform (shell, skirt, crop top)
  • Cheer shoes
  • Warm-up jacket & pants
  • Cheer bag
  • Spirit wear & additional items

Uniform items must be purchased once and replaced only as needed.

Each squad may conduct fundraising or charge additional team fees (not exceeding $100) to obtain extra equipment or accessories for their squad.

What skills and expectations are set for cheerleaders?

Cheerleaders will learn:

  • Sideline cheers
  • Jumps
  • Basic sideline cheerleading fundamentals

The Tomahawks do not teach tumbling or stunting. Our goal is to help cheerleaders feel comfortable performing at games while learning the essentials of sideline cheer.

During games, cheerleaders follow their coach’s direction in an age-appropriate format. Some squads may self-call cheers, while others will be coach-led.

While each coach has the autonomy to establish team policies, the Lakota Tomahawks prioritize flexibility for participants balancing cheer with other activities. Cheerleaders should not be punished for missing practices or games due to conflicts, but parents are expected to communicate with coaches to ensure appropriate participation.

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